The Advancement in the Field of Oncology

Specifically speaking, the field of medicine known as oncology is related to the diagnostic treatment of cancer. The word is a Greek word derivative which means "bulk" or a "mass" which thereby refers to a cancerous or a tumorous mass.
The field of applied medical sciences has greatly advanced both in relation to technological aid and the depth of knowledge and inquiry over the past half century.

In fact, since the discovery of the first anti-biotic, man has been racing to reach the finish line where he would have achieved the task of either finding the prevention or cure of every fatal disease. But sadly enough, all that research and experimentation has still not brought man towards the end of the race and cancer still remains the biggest threat to the life and health of the average man.

Oncology is that field of medical science that is dedicated only towards specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of this horrific disease, wherever it may occur in the body and thus it also makes it very vast and widespread. The oncologists therefore focus their specialization on one sub-specialty such as the diagnosis and treatment of bone cancer, lung cancer, throat cancer etc.; while others focus their energy on the different kinds of treatment given to patients suffering from cancer such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgical removals of tumors and so on.

Read More:  The Advancement in the Field of Oncology


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